Author: cjtrowbridge
Real talk. Is it time to shave my head again or is my hitleryness level still acceptable? =/
Real talk. Is it time to shave my head again or is my hitleryness level still acceptable? =/ #realtalk #hitler #hair
You guys. Im so far past can’t even; idk if i will ever truly even
You guys. Im so far past can’t even; idk if i will ever truly even. #virtualreality #vr #cardboard #metaverse
“Between the trees, on gentle and too cleverly irregular slopes of sweet green grass, the bright umbrellas shaded the hotel’s guests from the unfaltering radiance of the [artifical] sun. A burst of French from a nearby table caught his attention: the golden children he’d seen gliding above river mist the evening before. Now he saw…
This should go nicely over some penne
This should go nicely over some penne #foodporn #food #porn #pasta #bratwurst #bacon #penne
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Well I never found it in Sacramento but Portland always delivers! And let me tell you, it was worth the wait
Well I never found it in Sacramento but Portland always delivers! And let me tell you, it was worth the wait. #flipside #ipa #sierranevada #newyorksteak
Mmmmmmmm #kenya #pdx #coffee #icedcoffee #pioneercourthousesquare #tobeapartner #coffeemaster #forlife