Queerborhood Wifi

Phase-One This is the final draft proposal for the pilot project to tie into the new borg network. If successful, the project could eventually deliver WiFi to the Queerborhood (7:30 sector). There have been several changes of priority since the first draft of this proposal. This final version features a mast with a microwave dish… Continue reading Queerborhood Wifi

Berthing Together

Write a short story about people berthing together on a voyage. At the end reveal the ship is an RV or minivan

Categorized as Ideas

Learn To DJ: (0) Gear Up

If you want to get started learning to DJ, you will need three things: headphones, a controller, and a laptop. There are a few more things that you should really get, but don’t need right away. We will cover these in another post. First, Pick a Controller I recommend starting cheap. You can reasonably get… Continue reading Learn To DJ: (0) Gear Up

Life Expectancy Countdown App

Android app that shows a persistent notification with a countdown to the end of your life expectancy, along with many tips and strategies for maximizing life expectancy.

Categorized as Ideas

Interface Marketplace

An app that allows you to create simple interfaces for interacting with APIs. Then share the interface deal through a marketplace. I know it sounds like Astria but it’s not the same. Imagine there is a website or app that people use, and they want to intercede in the connection between their computer and that… Continue reading Interface Marketplace

Categorized as Ideas

Interpretatio Germanica

Today I had a wonderful, magical, linguistic epiphany. Many people will know that there is a kind of imaginary line that goes across Europe from east to west, dividing the Northern languages from the Southern languages. The Northern languages are all very similar to each other; English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, etc. The Southern languages are… Continue reading Interpretatio Germanica