Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. This is a very strange and interesting story. Written almost 250 years ago, it takes place in two-dimensional space which makes it challenging to even consider at first. Once you get the idea, it explores many interesting sociological concepts from class mobility to gender. The two-dimensional nature of the… Continue reading Flatland by Edwin Abbott Abbott

Fall 2019: Weekly Intersectional Privilege Event

I am an affluent, white, male, cis, able person who has these privileged identities within the American white-cis-ablist-classist-patriarchy. I am also a gay, socialesque, atheist which are marginalized identities within American hetero-ancap-christian culture. I see many gay, affluent, white, cis men forgetting about the fact that they are affluent, white, cis, men. This has led… Continue reading Fall 2019: Weekly Intersectional Privilege Event

Metric Limit Orders

Product: Metric limit orders: For example, buy when price is less than two-week average, or sell when price is more than two week average.

Categorized as Ideas

Communal Storage

At Burning Man, I camp with Comfort & Joy. One of the many benefits of this camp is that they will transport totes to the playa for you; you are only responsible for getting yourself there. The stipulation is that everyone has to use this same tote. There are many benefits to this strategy. These… Continue reading Communal Storage

List of Self-Hosted SaaS Alternatives

Kickball/awesome-selfhosted A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Selfhosting is the process of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaS providers.

Categorized as Ideas

Queer Film History: Compare and contrast Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble

Compare and contrast Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble Pink Flamingos is an excellent example of John Waters’ early work. It is historically Queer in all four ways. Many of the characters are queer. The lead for example describes herself as a lesbian who has, “done everything,” and wants to, “kill everyone, now.” The film’s author… Continue reading Queer Film History: Compare and contrast Pink Flamingos and Female Trouble